
The role of nitric oxide in male sexuality

The effects of nitric oxide on erectile dysfunction
Why is nitric oxide important for male sexual well-being? For the simple fact that it intervenes on those mechanisms that induce the relaxation of the vascular musculature, with consequent vasodilation and better blood supply to the penis. The production of nitric oxide in the body is regulated by mechanisms deeply linked to lifestyle. This is why, for those who want to achieve sexual well-being, it is advisable to keep stress under control and to say goodbye to harmful habits such as smoking
To understand to what extent nitric oxide can make the difference in male sexuality, it is worth mentioning some research. One of these compared its effectiveness with that of the active ingredient of a famous erectile dysfunction drug. Conducted by a team of scholars active at Rice University, it was based on the injection to some one-millimeter pearl mice containing nitric oxide. Their effects were better than those of the active ingredient of a known erectile dysfunction drug.
How to increase the bioavailability of nitric oxide
To improve sexuality it is appropriate to increase the bioavailability of nitric oxide. How can this be achieved? The solutions are different. One can, for example, concentrate on nutrition. In fact, some foods guarantee an important supply of nitric oxide precursors, namely L-Citrulline and Arginine. Just to name one, let’s remember the watermelon. This typical summer fruit is characterized by a remarkable natural content of Citrulline.
Nitrates, as just mentioned, are converted by our body into nitric oxide. Their role is also very important when it comes to sports performance.
Continuing in the list of foods that favor the increase of nitric oxide in the body we remember the eggs, to be consumed anyway with moderation since they are rich in cholesterol and this does not benefit the health of blood vessels, fundamental for sexual well-being and for achieving and maintaining an erection.
The amino acid L-Arginine, the precursor of nitric oxide, is also contained in pistachios. Given this necessary premise, however, we remind you that in the event of increased demand, the supply is not sufficient. To understand this better, let’s take the example of the numerous studies that focus on the administration of the amino acid Citrulline.
The average doses used correspond to at least 2 grams. To reach them, we would need watermelon trucks! Here then is integration. How to manage it? Examining some mechanisms related to the absorption of amino acids and recalling that these organic molecules alone are not enough!
A short guide to healthy integration
For sexual well-being and to achieve and maintain quality erections a healthy lifestyle is essential, but it is not always sufficient. As just mentioned, the integration is very useful, obviously if done with the criterion. This means remembering that the absorption of Arginine by our body is very difficult. For this reason, we intervene with L-Citrulline, another precursor of nitric oxide which also improves the bioavailability of Arginine and allows our body to make the most of its benefits.
Not to be forgotten is also the role of vitamin B1 (Thiamine) and vitamin C, an excellent antioxidant that controls free radical activity.