
Diarrhea and risk of dehydration in children: how to recognize and defend them

Diarrhea normally is not dangerous in our country, but is timely rehydration is important to avoid the risk of dehydration, who can have severe consequences. In children more small alarm bells are lethargy and weight loss, in those most large symptoms may initially be less visible. A low degree of dehydration and associated with mild dryness of the oral mucosa, increased thirst, a moderate one can be evidenced by sunken eyes with no watery eyes, dry mucous membranes, reduced skin turgidity.
When the dehydration becomes severe the pulse becomes more rapid, breathing accelerates, lethargy occurs. Depending on the gravity of dehydration, the doctor can decide to intervene with intravenous rehydration or with a simple solution of rehydrating salts to drink. In any case, in the presence of diarrhea, to prevent dehydration and It is advisable to encourage children to drink liquids such as soups, rice water, cereal cooking liquids, hot tea with lemon. Once you feel able to eat, you can administer astringent foods such as potatoes, carrots, apples, loquats, rice. Potatoes are particularly useful because rich in potassium, the salt that is mostly lost during diarrhea.
Often diarrhea heals on its own and rehydration is it enough to prevent complications. Is it is important not to start a specific pharmacological therapy without first consulting a doctor. Antibiotics, in particular, should only be used in cases of bacterial infection and in specific cases.
Are there instead natural products with efficacy and tolerability tried, which can help the body in acute moments. In fact, rehydration has no effect on the duration of the disease or on the frequency of bowel movements.
Is it an example that based on Diosmectite, a natural clay with properties anti-diarrhea absorbent. Do solid scientific data show that is effective in infectious diarrhea, mainly as an ionic antisecretory agent and in the prevention of intestinal damage.
Does Diosmectite reduce inflammation, change properties mucus viscoelastic inhibits mucolytic and adsorb bacteria, bacterial enterotoxins, viruses, and other potentially iatrogenic substances. Numerous studies have shown that Diosmectite reduces the duration of diarrhea and decreases the frequency of bowel movements after 2 days of treatment in children with mild to moderate acute diarrhea. Because of its very favorable safety profile, without serious adverse effects, Diosmectite is often used, mainly in European countries but also in Asia and Africa. Diosmectite must be used in addition to and not as an alternative to rehydration therapy and, if necessary, to antibacterial therapy.
When it comes to preventing the password and “hygiene”.
The first advice is that of washing one’s hands carefully and frequently. The spread from person to person through hand contamination is in fact probably the most widespread in community environments, particularly in nursery schools. In canteens and other places intended for collective catering, but also at home, can the infection be transmitted when the person who contracted the pathogen handles foods that do not require cooking, such as salad, fruit, and other fresh vegetables, without thoroughly washing their hands.
Finally, there are also food poisonings: wash fruit and vegetables well, avoid raw meats and fish, milk and unpasteurized dairy products.